Similar changes are taking place in the two smallest countries of the region. India is the only coun­try which shares border with all other countries. Menaka Guruswamy, Visiting Lecturer in Law and Peter and Patricia Gruber Fellow in Global Justice, Yale Law School, discussed what she termed the “undeniable linkages” among South Asian countries with respect to the ideas of constitutional democracy. Politically, Asia is often divided into 6 regions: North Asia, Central Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and West Asia. The country is ranked 20th, a jump from 24th position in 2016. But from a historical perspective, challenges to democracy can only emerge in countries that have had some meaningful liberalisation already. Now, it is a republic. (b) A landlocked country with multi-party competition. Bhutan became a constitutional monarchy in 2008. Major insurgencies have been contained. While many Asian countries figure in the list of 166 countries, yet none of these countries according to the report has ‘full democracy’. All of the following Asian countries are democratic republics except _____. Pakistan | Capital: Islambad. As of 2020, Asia consists of 48 countries, of which two (Turkey and Russia) are also located in Europe. South Asia lies in the southern part of Asia. The second definition uses the Global South to address populations … In South Asia, India is the largest and the most populous country with a population of 1.276 billion people. Of these, three are federal republics (India, Nepal and Pakistan), one is a unitary republic (Bangladesh) and one is a constitutional monarchy (Bhutan). (c) SAFTA was signed at the 12th SAARC Summit in South Asian politics. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Subcategories. Get a complete list for all the Democratic countries in the past and current times. In contrast, Taiwan should promote its model of political transformation in a democratic setting, identifying like-minded countries in Southeast Asia … Bangladesh and India have signed an agreement on river-water sharing. Japan is the most democratic nation in Asia, according to a report published by the World Democracy Audit.. (d) In the conflict between the military and pro-democracy groups, the military has prevailed over democracy. 8. The nations of South Asia do not share same type of political system. Knowing countries with Democracy is significantly important to get an idea about presence of Democratic countries around the globe. 10. … Category:Former countries in South Asia. Governments in South Asia have pursued national security through (a) The struggle among pro-monarchy, pro-democracy groups and extremists created an atmosphere of political instability. From the experience of Bangladesh and Nepal, we cansay that democracy is becoming an accepted norm in the entire region of South AsiA. So maybe this depends on how you feel about government … of South Asia South Asia is characterized by its large population, growing poverty, weak governance structures and feeble democratic institutions, increasing militarization and sectarianism. The history of South Asian democracy has been checkered. Politically, Asia is often divided into 6 regions: North Asia, Central Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and West Asia. The challenges to hard-fought democratic gains in the region are real. SAFTA was signed at the 12th SAARC Summit in Islamabad. It com­prises of seven countries including Maldives. (a) All the countries in South Asia are democratic. All the countries in South Asia are democratic. People in all these countries share an aspiration of fair democracy. While the democratic experiences of Southeast Asian countries are diverse, it can be said that democratization process did not follow a gradual, regular and straight line, but, on the contrary, underwent cyclical periods of progress and recess. For the first time in post-colonial history, all of the countries of South Asia are democracies. Aside of Brunei and Singapore, which have developed stable political systems without granting too much freedom, Myanmar and Indonesia provide a good example of sharing a characteristically strong military and a democratization process that very much lags behind the legislatures’ promises. SAFTA was signed at the 12th SAARC Summit in Islamabad. The experience of democracy in Southeast Asia ranges from vibrant democracies in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Timor-Leste, to one-party states like Vietnam and Laos, where citizens do not have the right to determine their form of government. (c) The first country to liberalise the economy in the South Asian region. How Many Countries in Asia. On the other hand, South and Southeast Asia also hold the three countries with the most democratic regression. The experience of democracy in Southeast Asia ranges from vibrant democracies in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Timor-Leste, to one-party states like Vietnam and Laos, where citizens do not have the right to determine their form of government. Indias Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is US $7,996.6 billion, and has a projected GDP growth rate of 2% per year. The Freedom House’s 2018 report on Southeast Asian countries shows institutional stagnation, with Myanmar being the only one whose status was improved from “not free” to “partly free” after the military representatives accepted the results of parliament elections held in 2015 and the parliamentary held the country’s first relatively free presidential election. How are the external powers influencing bilateral relations in South Asia? Urban areas such as Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru are the most populous cities of India. In using the term 'democracy', I mean no more than regular, relatively free and fair, multi-candidate, usually multi-party elections. (a) All the countries in South Asia are democratic. (f) Earlier the island had the Sultans as the head of state. Most of the countries in the region are still fragile democracies in a relatively nascent stage. 3. In Asia South Korea figures at the top. South Asia is the world's most populous region among constitutional democratic republics, with over 1 billion people living under democratic systems, … Also, Southeast Asian countries defied the modernization theory stating that democratization would mechanically follow economic growth. Japan is the most democratic country in Asia, followed by South Korea (32nd), Taiwan (37th) and Israel (38th). Behind that I might (with hesitation) add Malaysia (recent elections weren’t very fair) or the Philippines (how democratic is it under Duterte really?). Mention some of the recent agreements between India and Pakistan. Cambodia - a liberal democracy under a constitutional monarchy. Such a system does not guarantee bounty, peace and equality, … Bangladesh and India have signed an agreement on river-water sharing. (g) Small savings and credit cooperatives in the rural areas have helped in reducing poverty. How do you assess the prospects of the resolution of this conflict? Write a short note on the role and the limitations of SAARC as a forum for facilitating economic cooperation among the South Asian Countries. fvAvavAvavAvyœdWfWdWzVxVzVxVzVxVzVxVzVxVzVxVzVxVzVxVzVx.±WE–cMY�Ëx¸§Ç. But these historic gains could be short-lived if troubling trends in some impending political transitions go unchecked. Only two Asian countries are estimated to be full democracies: Japan (21st) and South Korea (22nd). There are ten countries with scores of 9.0 or higher. All are Himalayan kingdoms. As of 2020, Asia consists of 48 countries, of which two (Turkey and Russia) are also located in Europe. smartbrainz smartbrainz c. Burma (Myanmar) Explanation: A democratic republic is a system of government founded on republic and democracy values. Answer: Countries included in South Asia are India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Maldives. While many Asian countries figure in the list of 166 countries, yet none of these countries according to the report has ‘full democracy’. South Asian members recognise the importance of cooperation and friendly … How Many Countries in Asia. (b) Bangladesh and India have signed an agreement on river-water sharing. As a region, South Asia is experiencing economic growth at an average rate of nearly seven percent each year. 2. Over 600 million people voted in the country’s most recent elections. According to a survey conducted, the results show that all the five countries in the South Asia region supports democracy. It is not a landlocked region excepting Bhutan and Nepal. Three South Asian countries, including Afghanistan, the Maldives and Sri Lanka, have either presidential (Afghanistan and Maldives) or semi-presidential (Sri Lanka) governments which are accountable to elected legislatures; and all three are unitary states. Three South Asian countries, including Afghanistan, the Maldives and Sri Lanka, have either presidential (Afghanistan and Maldives) or semi-presidential (Sri Lanka) governments which are accountable to elected legislatures; and all three are uni… China and North Korea, of course, remain one-party states with little room for free expression, much less political choice. Is this a correct impression? All the countries in South Asia are democratic. the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world. 4 Marks Questions Though, all countries of South Asia prefer democratic form of government. But the region’s democracies have bucked global trends by … Asia made more headway in advancing democracy than any other region, increasing its regional average score from 5.44 to 5.74, but still below the world average and therefore its countries remain considered as “flawed democracies”. These countries are those who tend to have unstable democracy, are in the process of industrializing, and frequently face colonization by Global North countries (especially by European countries). South Asian countries are diverse in every sense, still constitute one geo¬political space by enhancing peace and cooperation in the following way-1. However, in Asia in general, and in South Asian countries in particular, their democracy index has improved over the years (2006-2016). In South Asia, five countries have parliamentary governments, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Indias population growth rate is 1.2% annually with a life expectancy of 66 years. South and Central Asia is home to the world’s largest democracy: India. 5. 2. All the countries in South Asia are democratic. All of the following countries have democratic forms of government except _____. What are some of the commonalities and differences between Bangladesh and Pakistan in their democratic experiences? (d) The US and China play an influential role in South Asian politics. 4. The US and China play an influential role in South Asian politics. From Bhutan to Bangladesh, Kabul to Kathmandu, democratic institutions are taking hold and giving people a voice in how they are governed. Through a comparison of these four South Asian countries, which share cultural attributes and were British-ruled prior to 1947-48, we can perhaps identify qualities that promote survival of democratic systems. A. India B. Pakistan C. Burma (Myanmar) D. Bangladesh 2 See answers vandanamishra251285 vandanamishra251285 Answer: A. India is the right answer. (e) Centrally located and shares borders with most of the South Asian Countries. CBSE Previous Year Question Paper for Class 10, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper for Class 12. In Asia South Korea figures at the top. Mention two areas each of cooperation and disagreement between India and Bangladesh. People belonging to different religions, ordinary citizens, rich as well as poor, all view the idea of democracy positively and support the institutions of representative ‘ democracy. Can we be sure that the two countries are well in their way to a friendly relationship? The same isn't true for Singapore. Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines listed as “partly … Sri Lanka and India are the only countries in the region with a history of conducting regular elections over the years. Most countries in the region experienced colonization before becoming independent sovereign states. Yet South Sudan is among the world's poorest countries, ranking at the bottom of many socioeconomic categories (HDI 2020 185 out of 189). ¹õæèÏı�ä…éúvyÌâ³½4S’†âÃıºøË~8�IU™ôWxy]æ»yÚtãÑ? In using the term 'democracy', I mean no more than regular, relatively free and fair, multi-candidate, usually multi-party elections. • Practically all South Asian countries have democratic structures, but are still struggling on the road to democratic development; and • Civil society in several South Asian countries is becoming more robust. India - the world's most populous democracy since independence. (h) A landlocked country with a monarchy. But large democracies do not necessarily translate into healthy democracies. List three challenges to democracy in Nepal. Countries with Democracy. Problems are exacerbated by ongoing tensions with Sudan over oil revenues and land borders, fighting between government … Overall scores between 8.01 and 10 are considered full democracies, which there are 22 of in the world. He said, “The South Asian Free Media Conference-VII is taking place at a time when a new wave of democracy in all countries of South Asia has forced the authoritarian forces to recede. Studyrankers is a free educational platform for cbse k-12 students. Which among the following statements about South Asia is wrong? And in those countries, challenges pale in comparison to the magnitude of past gains. South Asia is gifted with natural water resources specially Bhutan and Nepal due to Large number of glaciers. Bangladesh and India have signed an agreement on river-water sharing. In the 2013 edition of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index, South Korea was the only Asian country to be ranked amongst the top twenty “full” democracies of the world, while every other political system in the region fell into the categories of “flawed democracies,” “hybrid … But the other six—Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan—all underwent the democratic exercise of elections between … • At both the places, the struggle for democracy took place in their own way. What are some of the commonalities and differences between Bangladesh and Pakistan in their democratic experiences? These are the most democratic nations in the world. 6. South Asian countries stand for diversity in every sense and yet constitute a geo-political space. Through a comparison of these four South Asian countries, which share cultural attributes and were British-ruled prior to 1947-48, we can perhaps identify qualities that promote survival of democratic systems. In India, corruption and a rising trend of religious nationalism threaten the country’s democratic and secular foundations. Take any one example to illustrate your point. Since its origin years ago, Democracy has been applied as a type of government in many countries. Sri Lanka| Capital: Colombo India’s neighbours often think that the Indian government tries to dominate and interfere in the domestic affairs of the smaller countries of the region. 3. 'é�¹ós?œÍÓŸíáÙ¤‡Û4}ú‹“™º6�?¡oÍô½¹x“Ʋ—}Ş÷Ëı%Ôü[ñû>ySÄyN3íØùëÔ´~n†³Oª,\µ©ŞÃU'~èş{ïÖ,;�Ú�fNªü=,Î2‘p—uRYœ‡!ğš¼—ä¸fKŞ‚wäø�üx•GCà‚\€WäØ’-˜ú+è¯6äM`KËZ‹ZËZ‹ZëÈ,d+YÁÌb‘Åò[ß²Ìb‘Å2‹EË,Y,÷(Iå¸?ûã˜Ë!—£7o�޼9zsğæèÇÁ�0— —PG #Ôèu:B��ÈãŸ�©)Q“…ã?î§`?å•ü SAFTA was signed at the 12th SAARC Summit in Islamabad. Name the principal players in the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Answer Commonalities • Both Bangladesh and Pakistan were under a military rule. Indonesia - a republic with a presidential system of rule. 7. Today Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Pakistan—countries governed by hard-line military dictatorships in the recent past—are all, at least formally, democracies. Answer: (a) All the countries in … This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total. The wide disparities in democratic development across Asia are exemplified by the Korean peninsula where South Korea is a full democracy, ranked 22nd, and North Korea props up the global listings, coming last of the 167 countries covered by the index. Singapore is arguably a much nicer place to live, and you are less likely to get gunned down by a government hit squad on trumped up drug trafficking charges there, but most of the time and in most places you are not going to feel the presence of the Filipino government in the Philippines much at all. I would say Indonesia is the strongest candidate. 9. Yes and no. known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, it is a landlocked country in the Himalayas and is part of the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Her first example was of 1947, when, she noted, the birth of India and Pakistan was accompanied by the arrest of Bishweshwar Koirala, who later became … Former countries in South Asia.